
Simply put, we develop for the web. So whether you want to build a profile site, a marketing engine, an e-commerce platform, an intranet or a web app - or a combination of them all — we can deliver.

Fixed Scope Development

A Fixed Scope project is one whose requirements are small enough and clear enough to ensure that the project can't be plagued by scope creep. Brochure sites and landing pages are typically considered to be Fixed Scope projects.

We undertake Fixed Scope projects on a fixed budget with a predetermined timeline and new requirements should not be added until development is completed.

Ongoing Development

Ongoing projects are those we anticipate will take more than 10 man days to complete or whose scope needs to be flexible. Intranets, apps and e-commerce solutions are all considered to be Ongoing projects.

Because these projects always take an unpredictable course, we undertake them applying "agile". This means that we strip the project down to a minimum viable product whose development becomes are our first goal, after which we release frequent improvements/additions.

Either we progressively edge towards the original vision or adapt to any changes in requirements that arise.

Learn More

Please visit the About Us section to learn more about the technologies we used to power our development work.